Jason Cornes

Business Coach London

  • Grow the business you truly want
  • Boost your confidence
  • Gain focus and get on track

With Jason Cornes, business & executive coaching programmes.

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With nearly 40 years’ experience in business with clients in the UK and USA, I work with ‘single decision maker’ ambitious business or practice owners, who are feeling lonely in business and stuck. I’ve found that most fall into one, or more of these categories:


Some are proactive and take action to make things happen.


Others feel stuck and watch things happen around them.


The rest are busy reacting to the things that happen to them.

Jason Cornes Business Coach London

Regardless of which category you fall under, one thing I expect is true - you want to spend more time working ON your business rather than IN it and have more money and time to do the things you enjoy with those who matter to you most.

Let me ask you a question: If you woke up tomorrow able to tap into your full potential and make things happen, what changes would you make instantly to your business and your life?

Whether it’s scaling your business, or simply giving you the freedom to do more of the things you love doing, with the people you love most, I can help you overcome the obstacles that are preventing you from taking action and living your dream life.

So what’s holding you back right now?

  • Do you feel stuck and need help carving a new vision for your business?
  • Have you had some success, but crave more?
  • Would you like someone to suggest a different approach?
  • Do you lack focus, or are you being held back by limiting beliefs and false assumptions?
  • Are you becoming a “busy fool” - pulled in a million directions, but not moving forward in the direction YOU want to go?
  • Are you beleaguered by the stresses of everyday life, family and running a business? Maybe it’s time to start saying ‘no’ to things that aren’t moving you forward.

If this sounds like you, working with a business coach could be the silver bullet you need to get back on track and move forward.

Read on to discover how my business coaching can give you the edge you need or book a discovery call so we can get to know one another and work together to achieve your business goals.

How can a business coach in London help you?

Louise McIntyre. Printingprogress Ltd

"Jason is a breath of fresh air and an incredibly talented business coach. If you are looking for someone to inspire you and help you to see how you can grow both your self-confidence and business then look no further. I have had many business coaches that work to a model that has never quite suited me or my business, but Jason is different he adapts his expertise and meets you exactly where he makes the most impact. Highly Recommended."

Mark Wiffen. Marlin Architectural Design Ltd

"I have been working with Jason since the beginning of 2021 and in that time have started outsourcing certain areas of my work as a direct result of Jason's encouragement and guidance. This is now enabling me to bring forward my life-long plan of reducing my working week to 4 days to the beginning of 2022, whereas previously it would have been April 2023. Jason has a knack of subtly pushing you further than you feel you want to go. This is enabling me to drive the business forward taking on more work to improve profits at the same time as reducing my hours. Anyone needing business advice would benefit to the better for their sessions with Jason."

Claire Freeman. Consultant Podiatric Surgeon FRCPodS

"How do you choose a business coach? When you know you are stuck, and need help, how do you know who to trust with something as personal and critical as your business? I did a lot of searching and spoke to many different coaches, but when I spoke to Jason I immediately recognised his skill and professionalism. His background, experience and positive attitude have helped me in ways I did not expect. I've learnt so much about myself, the way I run my business and how to effect change. Would I choose him again - absolutely, would I recommend him - absolutely, is my business better off - absolutely, am I still stuck...no."

"The best investment you can make is in yourself, the more you learn, the more you earn." Wise words, not mine, but those of Warren Buffett.

And it’s true - when you invest in your personal growth as a business leader, it will impact your bottom line.

Business coaching can give you a whole new set of ideas, action points and goals. But above all, it helps you to:

  • Reveal the things you miss, those blind spots that are holding you back.
  • Overcome assumptions and self-limiting beliefs that negatively affect your confidence.
  • Share your concerns and worries with a neutral, non-judgmental sounding board.
  • Get unstuck by developing an action plan to propel you forward.
  • Become a more effective, decisive leader and a shining example to others.
  • Improve your business skills and increase profitability.

Looking for Self-Employed Business Mentoring?

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What’s it like working with me?

My business coaching focuses on the self-employed and single director businesses with or without staff. Any business owners ranging from lawyers, attorneys, medical professionals such as surgeons, osteopaths, general practitioners, accountants, and teaching professionals through to creatives and other professional service providers.

As a business and executive coach in London, I'm here to help and support ‘single decision-making’ business leaders in any professional or creative services small business.

What coaching isn't about

A one-size-fits-all business and executive coaching approach won’t deliver the results you need. You’re unique and so are your challenges and circumstances, so your coaching will be tailor-made for you.

I’m not a consultant. I won’t tell you what to do. I offer a working, executive coaching relationship between the two of us, where you make the decisions with my help, support, guidance and suggestions.

However, I will hold you accountable. We’ll agree on things to do at the end of each coaching session. My role isn’t to run your business. Instead, I’ll help you set and achieve your business goals; guiding you along the way as your business mentor and coach.

Confidential coaching

I have experienced the highs and lows of business life first-hand, and I know how tough and lonely it can be at the top. So, it goes without saying that all of my coaching work is on a one-to-one basis, is 100% confidential and totally and utterly non-judgmental.

Learn more about coaching

I meet my clients regularly via Zoom. In this way I’m absolutely convinced that, together, I can help you to grow in confidence with the increased leadership and business skills you need to grow your small business and increase your profits.

To learn more about how business and executive coaching can help you to revolutionize and transform your business or career over the next year click below to book a free, no-obligation discovery call with me.

Explore my testimonials to hear what my clients say about their coaching experience with me.

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Jason Cornes in a client meeting delivering a Business Coach London session

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