Choosing to set up your own business is a big decision and one that can pay off exponentially, putting you in control of your own destiny. However owning and running a small business involves many challenges and daily up’s and down’s.

Not only do you have to manage every ‘department’ or role in the business and look after the clients or customers at the same time, but you also need to maintain a work life balance too. How can you achieve these seemingly lofty goals?

The answer. Hire a entrepreneur coach who has been there, seen it, done it over many years, to support you as your ‘hidden business partner’ through the process.

How can a Entrepreneur coach help you?

Running a successful business is more than time management and planning your day to day routine. It's about setting a long term business vision and shorter term goals, finding the right ‘how do I get from A to B?’ and building a team to increase revenue and provide an above average service to ‘solve the problems’ of your clients.

With a business career spanning over 35 years, I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs who are feeling stuck. This stuckness might be about lack of focus or indeed any plan at all, feelings of burnout or overwhelm, needing to improve business skills, wanting a better work life balance, how to grow or scale the business, reach and land more clients or simply the need for an experienced sounding board. I've seen so many times how my support over time turns things around for entrepreneurs and their small businesses.

From Architects, Accountants and Solicitors to Consultants, Teachers, Trainers and Coaches of every type to Actors, Artists, Dog groomers, Photographers, Web designers, Builders and Garden landscapers. You name a business type and the chances are that I have worked with them or similar. With your commitment to my bespoke entrepreneur coaching program, you can completely change your future.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

If you could create an ideal circumstance for you and your small business in five years, what would it look like?

  • A day to day role designed to maximise your strengths and talents?
  • How much ££££ income would you take from the business?
  • How many employees, freelancers or sub-contractors would you have?
  • What work-life balance would make you happy?
  • Would you hire a manager and take a step back?
  • What exciting personal or business goals would you have achieved?

Visualising your dream is the first step to turning it into a reality!

So let me ask you, what’s holding you back? What are your challenges?

What entrepreneur coaching will do for you:

  • Are you tired of making decisions by yourself?
  • Do you need someone to bounce ideas off?
  • Has your business growth slowed?
  • Do you need to become a better business manager or leader?
  • Do you lack the time, energy or inspiration to develop a plan?
  • Is your time management impacting your personal life?
  • Are you struggling with a lack of clear targets or goals?
  • Are you feeling stuck?

These are all common problems experienced by entrepreneurs. The reality is that you must overcome them one way or another to be successful.

This is where my online entrepreneur coaching will help you.

How my entrepreneur coaching services work

My entrepreneur coaching programs are designed around the needs of you and your business. I offer a tailored approach, working in any business type. From professions such as Architects, Solicitors and Accountants to all types of health and wellness services, e-commerce and digital, creatives and trades of all shapes and sizes.

As one of my entrepreneur coaching clients, I will make it my priority to understand you and your business, help you to create a vision of what you REALLY want and then together we’ll make it happen step by step over time. I will work as your strategic coach and as a sounding board for ideas and all the decisions which will need to be made to ‘get you there’.

Unlike some business coaches who offer a pre-prepared coaching process, my signature program is designed from the ground up around you, your circumstances and what you need and want. This ensures I understand the ins and outs of your business, helping me build on your strengths and support you to make improvements.

Challenging you to achieve more

Goal achievement is a concept that's loosely thrown around by self-employed entrepreneurs. Everyone has goals and yet so few people achieve them. Why? The biggest problem is accountability. Typically entrepreneurs are independent creatures who are used to working alone. They only have themselves to hold accountable. As a result, when things get busy or life becomes too much their standards will slip. Things like procrastination or imposter syndrome kick in. By having one of the most experienced business coaches by your side, you will always be held accountable for your actions. You’ll get more done!

I help entrepreneurs by empowering them. I challenge traditional thought processes, false beliefs and assumptions. I help entrepreneurs and small business owners see problems and opportunities from a new perspective. They see new ways of doing things, take calculated risks and stop ‘doing things in the same way and expecting different results’ Worst case being a ‘busy fool’ in other words lots of activity but much of it ineffective, unprofitable and not taking them where they want to be going.

It's not an easy process but with commitment from both of us and a step by step approach, one that pays off.

Why should you listen to this entrepreneur coach?

There are a lot of business coaches out there, many talk well and make bold claims. So what makes me different? Firstly, I've been in your shoes. As someone who’s been self-employed my whole life, I've been through the highs and lows of business. I know what it feels like. As a business owner since the 1980’s and business coach since 2017, I've worked with business owners from a wide range of business types and circumstances, coaching each to achieve their goals in a cost effective way.

Instead of providing you with generic ‘tick box’ business coach advice, I work as a strategic coach, agreeing with you each and every session, actionable tasks that will help get you to where you want to be. Holding you accountable each step of the way.

What my clients say about me

Mike Sherwood. FreshOnline Ltd

"I have been working with Jason Cornes for the last 5 months and have seen amazing results. Jason has been able to understand my business and identify opportunities to improve what we already do and find new ways to grow and expand. Since working with Jason we have employed another full time staff member, added new services and increased profitability on our existing work. I feel so much more in control and confident about the future. I have no hesitation recommending Jason and I look forward to continuing to use his business coaching services long term."

Nick Bryant – Brilliant Businesses

"I recently used Jason to help me with driving my business forward. From the initial meeting I knew he would help me, he approached things in a way that suited me and helped make me see things in a different way, which steered me towards a stronger business model. Jason is very easy to get along with and really listens, he's the best business coach I've used and I recommend that you use him too."

Sarah Bennett Commercial Photography.

"I’ve worked with Jason for two years this month. When I came to Jason for help, I wasn’t entirely sure what a business coach did, I thought maybe a few sessions then that was it..2 years on and I can truly say my business has gone from strength to strength, but I still need him. Jason is the person I tell all my ideas to, and bounce them off. He’s the one person that will give me an honest answer and opinion, he tells me what I need to hear, not necessarily what I want to hear. Because he’s always run his own businesses, he knows his stuff, it’s based on training yes, but more importantly I fell on his 30 years of experience in running his own companies. His ideas are inspiring and I can’t recommend him enough to others."

Make business development your top priority

In the fast paced modern environment it's easy to find yourself feeling stuck, overwhelmed or lacking focus. Many of the business owners I speak to believe they don't have the time to work on themselves. As an experienced business coach, I can tell you this mindset is holding you back. Slowing down is usually more effective than going faster and faster which can only lead to stress and burnout.

It's all about your priorities. Investing in yourself is an upfront tax deductible cost that will lead to more money, more time and greater success as a business owner. As your strategic coach I will make sure you have a clear vision of where you want to take your business, the steps to get there and the actions needed.

With the support of your experienced business coach money, happiness and success are coming. It's only a matter of time.

Book a call today

If you're looking for a business coach that will help you grow your business and yourself as an entrepreneur, look no further. I'm your guy.

My coaching will help you develop your business, improve your mindset and ensure you can deliver better results for your clients.

Send me a message now and discover how my services can help you take your business to the next level.